Currently browsing: programmable thermostats

Top 5 Tips to Save Energy this Winter in Massachusetts

As the days get colder in Southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod we often spend more time indoors, hosting guests, cozying up by the fire, and watching our favorite holiday movies. And more time inside means it’s an opportune moment to think about how to save energy and save money on your energy bills. Keep reading […]

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Energy-Saving Tips for Homes on the Cape

If you live in the Falmouth, MA area, you know how hot summers on Cape Cod can get. Don’t sweat it! There are simple ways you can lower your energy use and stay cool through the hottest days of the year. 5 Simple Ways to Save Energy 1. Use Curtains Wisely We love a sunny […]

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5 Ways to Save Energy This Spring

After back-to-back Nor’easters, it’s safe to say Cape Cod homeowners are ready to “spring forward” and say goodbye to winter. Now is the perfect time to start getting your home ready for warmer weather. This season, why not add these easy steps to your spring cleaning checklist to save energy and money? Here are five […]

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