Currently browsing: bioheat delivery

Is Automatic Delivery Really Worth It on Cape Cod?

The cold season on Cape Cod can be brutal. When you want to make sure that you’re set to stay cozy all season long, there’s no better way to do it than to sign up for automatic fuel delivery from Falmouth Energy. Many Cape Cod residents love automatic fuel delivery because it provides them with […]

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Top 5 Environmental Benefits of Bioheat® Fuel

These days many homeowners in Southeastern Massachusetts and Cape Cod are thinking about shrinking their carbon footprint and making a positive change for the environment. If you’re looking for an easy way to use less energy while positively impacting our planet, then you know that sometimes it can be difficult to know what makes something […]

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Celebrating Earth Day with Safe Delivery of Clean Bioheat® Fuel

Spring brings all sorts of things on the Cape, like April showers, May flowers, surprise cold snaps, and everything in between. During unpredictable spring weather homeowners still depend on Bioheat® fuel to keep their families safe and comfortable. That’s where Falmouth Energy comes in. We are proud to deliver high-quality Bioheat® fuel to our customers […]

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