July 31, 2018
It’s time to break out the sunscreen! After a cold winter and rainy spring, Cape Cod residents can’t wait to get the most out of their 2018 summer. Falmouth Energy is here to help you prepare for a comfortable season by making sure you have an energy-efficient house to enjoy! Check out these energy-saving tips to stay cool and save money all summer long:
Top 5 Ways to Save Energy This Summer:
1. Save with Rebates.
Massachusetts homeowners can save energy and money with a rebate on a high-efficiency air conditioner. You can save up to $1,000 on a new A/C installation!
2. Protect Yourself with a Generator.
Having a generator in your home can keep your family safe during those undeniable summer thunderstorms. Keep your home and valuables secure, too, by choosing a standby generator equipped with 24/7 emergency service.
3. Make the Sun Work for You.
Solar power, though an upfront investment, will save you money in the long run. Take advantage of Massachusetts’ warm summer months: they create the perfect opportunity to install this money-saving energy source. Contact us to learn more about solar power.
4. Use Fans to Your Benefit.
On average, Massachusetts residents spend $1,028 per year on home energy costs (gov). By using a ceiling fan, you spread cool air around your home, resulting in a temperature that feels 4°F cooler. This allows you to raise your thermostat without compromising your home’s comfort.
5. Tune Up Your A/C.
Annual maintenance appointments on your home air conditioning unit will save you money over time. When your air conditioner runs at maximum efficiency, it allows you to save money by using less energy. Ask your certified local technician if you need a replacement for your air conditioner’s filter—a clean filter will allow your A/C to run more easily, conserving energy and money!
Related Post: Prepare for Spring with 5 Energy Savings Tips
Contact local experts at Falmouth Energy for more energy-savings tips this summer, and make sure that your A/C is running at its maximum efficiency today!