March 22, 2017
Days are getting longer and temperatures are getting warmer—it’s officially time to say goodbye to winter. Now is the perfect time to get your home ready for spring. This year, why not take some quick and easy steps that will help you prepare for warm weather AND save money? Here are five energy-saving tips to get you started.
1. Use a Programmable Thermostat
Cut down on your energy usage by switching out your manual thermostat for a programmable one. Set the thermostat to 78 degrees during periods when you’re not home, and back to a cooler temperature prior to your arrival so that there’s no disruption in comfort. By doing so, your A/C won’t need to kick on as often during the day, helping you to save on your energy bills. And at night, throw open the windows and turn on fans to let a cross breeze cool you down.
2. Turn on Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans help to keep you cool during the daytime, too. If you use your ceiling fan in conjunction with your A/C, you can actually raise the thermostat’s temperature by 4°F without feeling a reduction in comfort level. Just remember to turn off the ceiling fan when you leave the room since fans only cool people, not rooms.
3. Invest in Window Treatments
Window treatments are a low-cost way to control the temperature in a room. On hot, sunny days, close the shades or blinds to block the sun’s rays from heating the room, which keeps your A/C from working harder to cool your home. On sunny days that aren’t too hot, open your shades to use natural sunlight to brighten a room and reduce your electric bill.
4. Schedule A/C Maintenance
Scheduling annual maintenance for your A/C system is a smart idea for many reasons—it keeps your system running effectively, it extends the life of the equipment, it reduces the likelihood of breakdowns, etc. A tune-up performed by your local COOL SMART contractor will reduce your energy bills by maximizing your system’s efficiency, allowing you to cool your home with less energy.
5. Upgrade to a High-Efficiency A/C System
Upgrading your cooling equipment to a high-efficiency central A/C or ductless unit provides great long-term savings benefits. Plus, Mass Save customers are eligible for 0% loans on qualifying energy-efficient equipment; contact your local energy team for participation details.
Get ready to save this spring with help from the energy experts at Falmouth Energy. Contact us today to hear more energy-saving ideas, schedule your A/C tune-up, or find a high-efficiency cooling system that’s right for your home!