Myths Busted about Automatic Fuel Delivery

The warmth of summer has gone, and colder weather is certainly ahead of us. Have you thought about fuel for your heating system? When we get our first big Massachusetts cold snap, don’t worry about scrambling to order fuel at the last minute. Take one more chore off your to-do list and go with auto delivery for your heating fuel. When you have automatic delivery, you leave the monitoring and ordering to us. You don’t have to call our office because we create a delivery schedule for each customer based on weather, home size, number of occupants, and indoor temperature preference. Still unsure about auto delivery? We have some myth-busting answers for the most common concerns!

The Most Common Myths about Automatic Fuel Delivery


Myth 1: Auto-Delivery Costs Extra

You might think that convenience like this comes with a bigger price tag. Absolutely not! At Falmouth Energy, automatic fuel delivery is available to our customers at no additional cost. Not only do you get your oil, but you also never have to worry about ordering it again. Our auto delivery is designed for total customer convenience.


Myth 2: You Buy More Fuel Than You Need

We only deliver fuel when you need it, no more and no less, and fill ups are actually more efficient with our advanced fuel monitoring system.  We keep your tank level right where it needs to be, and with more efficient fill-ups, you can make the most of your heating season budget for your Cape Cod home.


Myth 3: It’s Unreliable

When it comes to weighing the better of both options—will-call or auto delivery—auto delivery is the clear winner. Not only is it reliable, it’s also more dependable than will-call. Our tracking system is detailed and accurate. We use degree-day technology and closely monitor daily weather to track fuel usage to accurately predict when you will be due for a fill-up. The result? On-time deliveries every time.

Sign Up for Automatic Fuel Delivery Today

When it comes to your heating fuel, auto delivery is a wonderful convenience that gives you peace of mind and fuel when you need it. It’s available at no additional cost, and the benefits are endless—lower likelihood of emergency refills needed, reduced risk of ever having an empty tank, and no need to monitor your tank every day! Make heating your home easy this year. If you’re ready to sign up for automatic fuel delivery, contact us today.